12 tips to grow on instagram
12 tips to grow on instagram.
Get 10k followers on instagram.
In this article you will get 12 tips on how you can hit the Instagram Explore Page and grow thousands of followers per day What's up, this is Simon from influentgram.com If that sounds like something you're interested in. I recommend subscribing to this blog.
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So me and my team at influentgram.com manage a lot of accounts so I've seen many posts that hit the explore page and resulted in thousands of new followers So now I want to share with you guys what really gets posts on the Instagram explore page.
Well, actually there's no such thing as the explore page The explore page is customized to every user based on the people the user follows and the content the user engages with So the key to grow fast on the explore page is to be on the explore page of as many users as possible But how do you do this? In the next couple of minutes I'll give you 12 tips to significantly increase your chances of hitting the explore page and going viral on Instagram Let's start.
tip number one
Stick to your niche Maybe you've already noticed that the content that you see on your Explore page is similar to the content that you regularly Engage with or is somewhat related to the people who you follow Instagram knows what content people like to see and Their algorithm tries to show them as much of it as possible to keep them on the platform for example People who are into travel will see a lot of travel content on their explore page in Order for instagram's algorithm to know whose explore page to put your post on it needs to know what niche your posts are related to You can help Instagram to do that by always sticking to the same niche.So when you have a killer post Instagram will know exactly who to show it to Another reason why you should stick to the same niche is that you need consistent engagement from your followers to keep growing When you post something about travel one day in the next day about cars You won't be able to get a good amount of engagement from your followers.
Tip number two.
Only post good quality content Now this seems like a no-brainer, but I still see many people wanting to grow but still try to get away with low-quality content You can do everything right and use all the tricks in the book, if your content sucks You're not going to reach the explore page and you will not grow Instagram so don't think you can outsmart the Instagram algorithm and get away with low-quality content.If you stop posting good content. The algorithm will notice and limit your reach significantly So keep instagrams trust by only posting good content. "But what's good content?", you ask. I'll give you an answer in the next tip
Tip number three.
Do what works in your niche Don't try to reinvent the wheel. I'm sure that you know some good and quickly growing accounts in your niche So go through their profile and see what content gets the most engagement That's what users like to see and therefore that's what will get you engagement and lets your account grow.For influencers, I always recommend to create their own content weather themselves are the main subject of their posts For brands, however, it might be difficult and very expensive to consistently create high-quality content Well, what you can do is repost the best content of other accounts in your niche It's kind of an unwritten rule on Instagram that you can repost as long as you give the owner credit by tagging them
Tip number four.
Go for real engagement Like I've already mentioned, engagement is very important Instagram never shows a new post to all of your followers in the beginning They want to test it first with a small amount of users This first group that sees your post are mainly users who are already following you how many of these users engage with your post is absolutely critical.If many engage with it, the post will also be shown to more of your own followers and Maybe even to new followers on the explore page and in hashtags Something interesting that I've noticed is that Instagram likes to show posts with a lot of likes and comments only to your own followers However, when you get a lot of likes comments and a lot of saves Then Instagram will show your post to users who aren't following you yet, leading to many new followers saves therefore all very important So think about what content users will want to save and create content like that.
Tip number five.
Trigger emotions This can be a tough one, especially if you post your own original content, and you're not just reposting other people's posts But as it really does work, I had to include it in this video Posting emotional content can really increase the chances of hitting the explore page and going viral.Tip number six.
Make users spend time with your posts I've already mentioned that Instagram rates your post by how much engagement it gets and determines based on that How much reach it will give that post But it's not only the likes comments saves and shares that count Instagram also tracks other smaller things, like how long users look at a single post or if they zoom in a couple of times So posting for example confusing images or videos that you have to watch a couple of times to figure out Can really help you getting on an explore page. i also recommend using gallery posts where users can swipe left to see more pics or videos It makes users spend more time with your post.Tip number seven.
Use relevant hashtags You've probably already heard this before that you should use relevant hashtags Well, it's true and it makes sense People searching for the hashtag #supercar are not going to like a dog photo So in order to get engagement from hashtags, make sure that they actually are related to your post Also don't be afraid of using all 30 hashtags that you have available The rumor that Instagram penalizes your account for posting too many hashtags is not true. I also recommend to post your hashtags in the first comment section because it just looks cleaner.
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